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Philodendron Mayoi Care

Philodendron Mayoi Care & Maturity

August 16, 2022

Philodendron Mayoi is a philodendron variety that grows relatively tall in the right conditions. It produces long vines and, in the wild, is an epiphytic plant that climbs trees. When grown as a houseplant, you should add a moss support pole to the pot, allowing your philodendron to climb. The philodendron Mayoi, native to the rainforests of Brazil, has dark green split leaves with dark purple or deep red vines.

Watering: Water when top 2-3" of soil is dry until water drains from bottom of pot. Do not leave sitting in drainage.
Light Requirements: Bright, indirect light and can even tolerate direct, morning sun.
Humidity Needs: Moderate to high, over 60% is ideal. Can be boosted with pebble trays and/or clustering with other humidity lovers. 
Soil Preference: 
Requires a well-draining soil mix rich in organic matter that allows water retention but helps prevent root rot. A peat-based soil mix with additional perlite and/or orchid bark is ideal. 
Regularly apply a well-balanced fertilizer every 1-2 weeks during spring/summer months.
Repot in early spring/summer when soil is too compact or there are exposed roots. Repot a minimum of every 2-3 years to ensure soil nutrients. During a repot is the perfect time to add support to this climbing philodendron. A large trellis or stackable moss pole is recommended for continued growth.
Pet Safe: No
Common Issues:
 Overwatering leading to root rot and underwatering are the most common issues for maintaining a healthy Philodendron. Yellowing/discolored leaves = overwatering, brown/crispy leaves = underwatering. Spider mites and mealy bugs are also common pests.

Mature Philodendron Mayoi

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