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Alocasia Care

Alocasia Varieties & Care

July 20, 2022

Alocasia is a genus of rhizomatous or tuberous, broad-leaved, perennial, flowering plants from the family Araceae. There are about 90 accepted species native to tropical and subtropical Asia and eastern Australia. Around the world, many growers widely cultivate a range of hybrids and cultivars as ornamentals.

Watering: Check weekly, water if top 25% of soil is dry. Alocasia do not tolerate drying out.
Light Requirements: Medium to bright indirect sunlight
Humidity Needs: 60-70%
Soil Preference: 
A well draining potting mix is ideal. 20% perlite and standard potting mix is recommended.
Use a balanced fertilizer 1-2x a month in spring and summer. Cease feeding in winter months. 
Pot up 2" in Spring or Summer when plant becomes root bound.
Pet Safe: No
Common Issues: 
Crisping due to lack of humidity is a common issue, a pebble tray nearby or underneath can assist. Also keep an eye out for common plant pests that love the humidity levels of alocasias.

Alocasia Varieties

Alocasia Varieties

*Not intended to be a comprehensive list of varieties

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